“There is always something to do. There are hungry people to feed, naked people to clothe, sick people to comfort and make well. And while I don’t expect you to save the world I do think it’s not asking too much for you to love those with whom you sleep, share the happiness of those whom you call friend, engage those among you who are visionary and remove from your life those who offer you depression, despair and disrespect.” ~ Nikki Giovanni
A lot of worthwhile people and causes flow across our desks at the Solari Report. While we can not yet afford to give as much as we would like, we always try to give something. You can see our contributions each week posted under News Trends & Stories and marked as our latest donation so that our readers can see the opportunities as well. When we each do what we can, a mighty army arises.
Here are some of the people and organizations that we supported during 2017.
- A Bridge for Catherine Williams
- All Things Cynthia McKinney
- Amma Canada Spring Fundraising Campaign
- American Monetary Institute
- Architects & Engineers for 911 Bobby McIlvane Act
- Asking for Prayers for the People of Northern California
- Black Girls Matter
- Blue + GREEN COMMUNICATIONS (Frederick Moser)
- Bundy Legal Defense Fund
- Buddy Walks
- Charles Hugh Smith
- Christ Our Hope Prison Bible Ministry
- Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officer Association: Freedom Coalition
- Consumer Reports
- Craig Murray
- Daily Acts Foundation
- Document Foundation Berlin
- Don’t Let Congress Censor the Internet
- Earthpulse – Nick Begich
- EMF Warriors 1 & 2- Follow The Money
- Electronic Freedom Foundation
- Farm Crisis Resource Center
- Farm to Consumer Legal Defense Fund
- Fellowship of Preparation Makers Interview Project: c/o The Biodynamic Association
- Fight for the Future
- First Baptist Church Sutherland
- Forum Borealis
- Freedom of the Press Foundation
- Free Ross Ulbricht
- Funeral Expenses for My Father
- Giza Death Star: Dr. Joseph P. Farrell
- Give Directly
- Dr. Joseph P. Farrell Virtual Pipe Organ Crowdfund
- Global Warming, An Inconvenient Lie
- Gunfund by Reload
- Gun Owners of America
- Help Feed Victims Of Hurricane Harvey
- Holiday Greetings Donations: WHISPeR & Free Ross
- House on Fire
- Houston Food Bank
- In Power Movement: A Mass Action of Liability
- In Power Movement: Taking Back Our Power
- Institute for Responsible Technology
- Insurge/Nafeez Ahmed
- Lawsuit to Save Religion
- Liz Crokin
- Jules Dervaes Memorial
- Melissa Melton Dykes
- Mercy Chefs
- Mike Flynn Legal Defense Fund
- Millicent’s Legal Fund: My Mobility, Save My Life and to Expose These Heinous Crimes Against Humanity
- National Health Federation (NHF)
- Open Source Ecology
- Panhandle Wildfire Fund
- Passion for Making a Difference
- Paul Craig Roberts
- Puerto Rico Effort 2 Serve
- Sam Girod Legal Defense Fund
- Support Southern California Wildfire Relief Fundraisers
- Support Fire Chief Welch’s Family & other Mill Valley Staff
- Simpson Gardens
- “Stand Strong for the Constitution” – A Utah Coalition
- Stop the U.N. Gun Ban
- Student Loan Justice
- Strong Towns
- Tenth Amendment Center: Investing in the Constitution and Liberty Today
- The Contributor
- The National Health Federation: Health Freedom News
- The Present Age: International Magazine for the Advancement of Spiritual Science
- The Saker & the Saker Community Cooperative
- There Is No Liberty With Innocents in Prison! Freedom Coalition
- Truthstream Media
- 3D Printer Construction Set Workshop
- Urban Homestead
- Qwant, the European Search Engine that Respects Your Privacy
- Vaccination: Lawsuit to Save Religious Exemption
- Vets For Child Rescue: Shine the Light!
- Weston Price Foundation
- Wikimedia
- Working Ranch Cowboy’s Association
- World Mercury Project
- And numerous individuals….
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